5 Great Tips And Ideas For Marketing On Twitter

Twitter is a great social media platform for businesses. Social media is changing the way businesses operate, with social networking sites taking up various roles ranging from marketing to research. Twitter allows you to connect to several people at a go and get your message out there, all in 140 characters. Here are five Twitter marketing tips to get you started.


Twitter Marketing Tips: Make Use of Hashtags


Hashtags are a useful tool that allows your tweets to reach certain groups of people. Many companies have mastered this and are Twitter Marketing Tipsusing hashtags to complement tweets. For example, if your company is selling clothing and you are promoting a new clothing line, you could tweet about it and add #fashion or #summerwear to the end of the tweet. Anyone who searches the fashion tag would then be able to view your clothing line. However, your hashtags should be relevant and not just random tags as this would make your tweets look like spam.


Spread Out Your Marketing Tweets


Use Twitter as an online networking event rather than an opportunity to make high-pressure sales. You can market your services occasionally but this should not be your main activity. Keep a steady ratio of marketing tweets. For example, a ratio of 1:15 means for each marketing message you send out, you should send 15 other tweets that do not talk about your product. A ratio of 1:9 is the maximum recommended amount. The rest of the tweets can be conversational, retweets of other tweets you have enjoyed and want to share, or just information you feel will be helpful to followers.


Twitter Marketing Tips: Monitor Your Followers


You can use Twitter as a market research tool to find out what your followers are saying about your company or your products. For instance, Blip.tv, a New York-based video website, uses Twitter to do market research, monitor mentions of Blip.tv by followers and get feedback from customers. The intrinsic nature of social media such as Twitter allows you to get the fastest, most honest research for free. You can also share information about your company or products and get instant feedback.


Use Twitter to Re-Invent Your Customer Service


You can use Twitter to provide artful customer service on a personal level. For example, Comcast, an entertainment and communications company uses Twitter to help between 200 and 300 subscribers a day with various technical issues. The digital care department receives direct questions at the @comcastcares account and offers assistance. It is important to maintain a friendly relationship online and only offer warranted advice.


Viral Marketing


Twitter Small Business Marketing is an ideal place to start a viral marketing campaign. When Sony introduced its new range of smart phones, its UK branch used social media to give away free Xperia handsets. Contestants had to tweet using a certain hash tag and the campaign drew a massive response. However, it is important to have a campaign that fits in with the brand image and does not end up seeming discourteous and annoying people.




All in all, the aforementioned Twitter marketing tips will give you an edge and likely ensure your Twitter feed is effective in marketing your brand. Twitter is an important and powerful social network in the current technological age. With a proper strategy and proper execution of the aforementioned Twitter marketing tips, it can be a great marketing tool as well.


Get More Twitter Marketing Tips To Implement In Online Business Here.