The Advantages Of Using A


Is your WordPress blog properly optimized? If not, it is time to implement a more efficient method to optimize your blog. There are different SEO plugins you can use to implement the silo method and get amazing results when it comes to your ranking in search results and your traffic. The following article will walk you through the process of optimizing your WordPress blog.


Creating a WordPress silo thme blog is an easy and affordable way to get your website online. You might use your blog for fun, monetize it through ads or use your blog to promote your online business. Regardless of what your goal is, getting more visitors and ranking higher in search results will have a positive effect on your blog. WordPress provides you with some very basic tools you can use to create a blog that is somewhat optimized. However, the default WordPress settings do not optimize the structure of your blog and to do so you’ll need a WordPress Silo Theme.


WordPress Silo Plugin – Pages Linking Structure


The default linking structure used for WordPress blogs is not ideal. WordPress will basically allow you to create a menu for your most important pages but there are no connections from one page to another. Search engine spiders will reference only a few of your pages if you stick to the basic WordPress menu. Your visitors will probably click no a few links but do not expect them to explore your archives and find your old articles if you use the default WordPress linking method.


The siloing method is about taking visitors or search engine spiders from one page to the next using the Silo Site Builder. Internal links that connect your WordPress Silo Plugindifferent pages will make navigation easier and will also considerably increase your chances of having more pages indexed in search results. This is also a great way to optimize your blog for several keywords instead of a handful. You can implement the siloing method manually by creating one link at a time but a quality WordPress Silo Plugin will make this process a lot easier.


From a technical point of view, siloing is about selecting the significant keywords on each page of your blog and using them as anchor text for a link to another page of your blog. The URL will of course be closely related to the keyword. A reader who wants to learn more about a specific word or topic will be able to click on the link and be taken to a page with more information on this specific topic.

As far as your search engine optimization campaign is concerned, a WordPress Silo Plugin will help you appear on search results for several keywords and have more pages indexed. A web page appears in search results if it is considered to be relevant to the keywords users look up. Having more links pointing to your different pages will definitely draw more search engine spiders and visitors to them, which means they will eventually be indexed in search results.

Using significant keywords as the anchor text for your links will help you convince search engine spiders that the page you are linking to is relevant to the keyword you used as an anchor text. The page you linked to will therefore appear in search results for that specific keyword phrase.


Creating your siloing structure by hand is a possibility but you will probably spend hours on this project. Besides, a WordPress Silo Plugin comes with additional features that will help you keep your structure up to date. For instance, the links do not point to a URL but rather to a post or page of your blog. The links created through your plugin will remain valid even if the URLs change.


Search engines develop algorithms to determine how relevant web pages are but also to judge their quality. A web page that is filled with links is usually considered as a link farm and search engines are not likely to index it among the first results for a keyword it is optimized for. Using a plugin to automatize the siloing process will allow you to control the number of links that appear on each page of your blog. You could for instance limit the number of links to a reasonable number so search engines do not consider your page as a link farm and penalize you for it.


WordPress Silo Plugin – Automated Links Creation


Creating automated links is simple and easy. You will simply have to enter a few keywords in your plugin. You can then decide which pages should have more links added to them and how many links should be added to your site. You can easily exclude pages from being linked to and choose not to add any links to certain pages of your blog. The plugin allows you to delete links very easily so you can revise and improve your siloing structure at anytime.


You do not have to launch the plugin and change the entire linking structure of your blog anytime you add more content. Your plugin should add an option to the page you use to write new posts so you can instantly create links between your old posts and the new material you are adding to your blog. This is a great way to keep your blog growing without having to work on your linking structure constantly. You should however not hesitate to update your siloing structure if you notice that some keywords are becoming more popular than others or if you would like to boost the ranking of a specific page or post.


There are different SEO WordPress plugins that include siloing. Do some research to compare different plugins and find one that comes with all the features you need. It is best to spend your money on a quality SEO plugin that does everything you need rather than trying to save by purchasing a basic plugin and ending up buying a second more comprehensive plugin later. Take the time to explore the different features of your new plugins so you can fully understand them before starting to work on creating a siloing structure for your blog.